
Monday, November 23, 2015

Everybody's An Asshole and Nobody's Happy About It

Look to the person on your left and touch their shoulder. There's an 80% chance that person's a fucking asshole. The other 20% of you are sitting alone. And if you can't point out the asshole in the room then, well...

People are dying everywhere and everyone has a lot of shitty opinions about it. No one is happy with where the focus is and, for fuck's sake, why can't we just let the goddamn dying refugees into the country for a little reprieve from daily terror? But even that finds itself dividing into a million little asshole opinions vying for the attention of a billion massive assholes. 

Forget national tragedy. Forget international tragedy. This is a tragedy of cosmic proportions, careening through the cyclical non-structure of universal stupidity. You know what else is cyclical? Assholes.

The incessant caterwauling of internet morons with vomitous opinions about anything that steps into their realm of minor understanding is grating. And like all things that are grated, it's leaving little pieces of, you guessed it: asshole.

This blog, usually dedicated to in-depth (lol) analysis of issues both national and local, is utterly incapable of (and unwilling to be a part of) adding to the din of trumpeting assholes, all breaking wind unto each other in the hopes that one will be crowned victorious in the fight to fart loudest about Paris, Muslims and whatever the fuck Trump is saying these days. 

And yet, I too am an asshole. Trumpeting his own message into the noise-amplified room that is the internet, hoping that his will be the last. Because he who has the last fart has the last laugh. I guess.
Point being, your stupid fucking asshole opinion about the stupid fucking asshole actions of other stupid fucking assholes is worth about negative the amount of words you've breathed into life on your Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/YouTube Comment Section. The net worth of all these negative asshole opinions divided by the average laden air speed of vocal stupidity amounts to how much anyone around you gives a fuck.

In short, stop fucking talking and listen. If we're lucky enough that everyone buys into this model, we might avoid shooting each other for a day.

Have a great fucking night, asshole.


(P.S. Don't go shopping on Black Friday you little capitalist gremlins) 

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